There are plenty of nice free and commercial VST plugins available only for Windows. As probably most of you already know, they could be used in your OS X DAW with Wine (JackWASIO, VFX). Or with a virtual machine (VirtualBox, Fusion). Or a networked Win machine.. I've thoroughly tested every single one of these options only to hit disappointment. Initially this post was all about painstakingly setting up a VST host in wacvst.
But instead of refining and updating the wacvst post as intended, I finally came to a more decent conclusion. Actually bringing back a three years old idea of mine and improving it so I can share it with you, would be the only way to go in using the smoothest and easiest to setup method of having Win VST plugins in the mix as well.
Initially prepared and tested successfully on 10.6.8 and later on 10.8.5. Based on your feedback it should work on Mavericks as well. Please take note that functionality with various DAWs is something I won't cover and discuss apart from generic guidelines. It should work with any DAW and it's up to you how you set it up. And I won't discuss any stuff that's already covered in this tutorial so please read it thoroughly before asking any questions.
Patience is your best friend. In reading thoroughly, not in the actual time it takes to set this up which shouldn't be more than half an hour at most. It might look confusing at first but I'm confident you will be happy with the outcome. Let's get started:
(in the event of developer links being down or taken off, all links provided here are direct download links to copies of the original files, hosted on dropbox)
plugwire (my final Wineskin setup including the energyXT 1.4.1 VST plugin demo)
AudioPort Universal (AudioPort plugin and AudioPort Host trial)
Wormhole2 (Wormhole2 plugin, download the free osx binaries)
Juce Plug-in Host (free AU host to quickly test plugwire)
quicktest (to quickly load in Juce Plug-in Host)
Plugwire is beerware, if you need the "pro" version with up to 16 stereo channels, please click the Donate button on the top right corner of this blog and I'll get back to you. You will still need the AudioPort Universal bundle (trial or bought) and if you want to save your setups, a Windows license for energyXT.
Double-click to unpack AudioPort Universal, then unpack AudioPort Plug-in Setup MAC and install it. Unpack Wormhole2 and put Wormhole2.component in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components.
Mount plugwire.dmg and drag the plugwire folder to Applications. Drag the plugwire app in the Dock then drag the AudioPort Host msi file in plugwire to install it.
Few users have previously reported an install error: "No new executables found!". If you drag the msi package in plugwire and the install window won't show up (plugwire sits open in the Dock for a few seconds then quits) just make sure your application firewall is not blocking plugwire from making loopback connections.
Start plugwire and enter the trial key provided by the developer in the readme file bundled with the AudioPort Universal package. AudioPort Host should now be running.
Quick test in Juce Plug-in Host:
Before getting to the real business of using plugwire with your DAW, I strongly suggest to try to understand how this whole setup works based on the quick demonstration with Juce Plug-in Host.

File/Open plugwire.filtergraph provided in, double-click on AUAudioFilePlayer module, load some audio file, check Loop, click the Play button and leave that window open.
Double-click on both AudioPort modules and click Connect. You should be connected now to AudioPort Host and in the AudioPort Host window the "File/Open recent file" option should be available, load the default plugwire project then double-click on the energyXT module.
You should hear now your audio file and on the second channel you can also play some keys along with it if you have a controller active. If not, just focus on the Juce Plug-in Host window and play some keys on your computer keyboard.

You can close plugwire from the plugwire menu on the top left of your screen: plugwire/Quit.
Installing plugins:
Just drag your plugin's setup file (executable) in plugwire and install, your plugin should be now in the VSTplugins folder.
Some installers will place manuals in the Documents subfolder. Then there's the VSTplugins subfolder where you should copy those without an installer (dll). You can even drop them whilst plugwire is already running.
Setting it up with your DAW:
On a track you want to process consider the Wormhole2 and AudioPort plugins as the IN and OUT pair of an insert unit, as you can see in the Juce Plug-In Host window from the main screenshot of this post. The actual insert unit is one channel in plugwire on which you load Win VST plugins.
Wormhole2 sends audio to plugwire using streaming over network and AudioPort fetches the processed audio from plugwire in the same manner. Obviously there's no actual streaming over a physical network, but the concept is exactly what makes my setup completely different from any other solution out there in that we can use simultaneously 16 independent plugwire stereo channels.
Start plugwire and in your DAW load a pair of Wormhole2 and AudioPort on the tracks you want to process.
Connect to all the AudioPort instances you've loaded making sure you start with selecting channel 1+2 as in the screencap then choose for each the next unused channel from the list of channels.
Load the default plugwire project in AudioPort Host and finally in your DAW choose in the Wormhole2 instances the corresponding numbered channels. In AudioPort Host double-click on the energyXT module and you're good to go.
You can MIDI map in energyXT all your plugins' parameters. Check the IAC Driver part in the Win VST instruments section below. Same goes for a controller if you use one.
The only way I would recommend for any DAW is to arm a new track and record the processing that takes place in plugwire. If you won't need the original tracks anymore it's important to record starting with the track assigned to the last used plugwire channel, then the previous and so on. I'll explain why in the notes section below. For Ableton Live users there is a way of using its freeze feature which I could append to this tutorial later on if requested. It's mostly based on my 1st post (direct mode).
Important notes:
If you can't see any channels in Wormhole2, load the pair of Wormhole2 and AudioPort plugins on the tracks you want to process before starting plugwire.
The AudioPort instance connected to 1+2 must be connected at all times otherwise the other channels will be unusable even if they are connected. So make sure you don't unload it or you don't delete any track which contains it. Also make sure before any recording that in this particular AudioPort instance (1+2) you click Disconnect then Connect to get rid of any latency. In real-time if you need click Disconnect/Connect as often as you feel the tracks are out of sync.
Never hit Save in AudioPort Host because correct saving is not possible whilst energyXT is in demo mode. It will actually save, but unfortunately rewrite the default plugwire project in that you will end up with an empty one. After you buy a Windows license for energyXT, I strongly recommend though saving your projects from within energyXT and not AudioPort Host, otherwise plugwire would most probably crash at loading those projects.
Don't expect every single Win VST plugin to work, few might randomly crash plugwire like some of the included good old Eric Beam plugins. I'm very confident however that the vast majority of Win VST plugins out there should work flawlessly.
This setup works only for 32-bit Windows VST plugins. For AudioPort and Wormhole2 plugins in 64-bit only OS X DAWs, have a look at 32 Lives
Quick video demo (plugwire pro):
Win VST instruments:
For instruments we won't be needing the Wormhole2 plugin. Just the AudioPort and for sequencing the IAC Driver: "Device is online" checked in Utilities/Audio MIDI Setup/MIDI Studio/IAC Driver Properties.
Start plugwire then in your DAW set your MIDI track's output to IAC Driver Bus 1. Open an instance of AudioPort on an empty audio track where to fetch your Win VST instrument's audio output and connect it to In AudioPort Host load the default plugwire project, right-click on the energyXT module to make sure in MIDI devices Bus 1 is selected then double-click on the energyXT module.
In the energyXT window click right next to the Open button then New/Empty project. Drag the bottom right corner of the energyXT's window and you should see 2 modules: Master In and Master Out. Right-click in that area and choose your instrument from the plugins list. Make sure its MIDI input is connected to the Master In module and its audio output to Master Out. Now you should be able to play, record and MIDI map your instrument.
And finally here's a fairly detailed user video on how to install plugwire and play with instruments:
doh123, XT Software, plasq, Raw Material Software, Audio Impressions, PhoenixInFlight, Eric Beam, fandango, Oxygen Team, Binassmax, Evermor Design, rekkerd, Create Digital Music, Variety of Sound, Synthtopia, MacMusic, VST Cafe, DigitalRustMusic
Hey thanks for taking the time to explain in detail.
ReplyDeleteI just find a little difficult to understand the setup with DAW.
Would you tell me where exactly load each of those 3 plugins?
Thanks in advance.
Say you have some audio track you want to process with Win VST plugs. Before starting the plugwire app, in your DAW you load on that track first Wormhole2 AU and then AudioPort AU as you would normally load plugs, one right after the other.
DeleteThe audio signal enters Wormhole2 AU which passes it outside your DAW to plugwire then AudioPort AU fetches it back from plugwire.
Start plugwire, then connect the AudioPort AU to, channel 1+2. Now load in AudioPort Host the default plugwire project you see in the list of recently opened files. Focus back on your DAW and in Wormhole2 AU choose in the list of channels 01+02. Now you should hear your track.
Go back to AudioPort Host and double-click on the energyXT module and a mixer would pop-up. There is where you load your Win VST plugins, by clicking on the "1" button.
We can do this for up to 16 stereo tracks simultaneously so we are actually able to mix in real-time with Win plugs as well. There you go, cheers!
if I work this function in pro tools? OSx10.6.8? please answer :)
DeleteVST to RTAS Adapter
Deletethanks but so difficult for load VST and looks like only in AU host? not VST host like Cubase or Nuendo?
ReplyDeleteVery good point. "AudioPort Plug-in Setup MAC" installs AudioPort VST as well. Unpack Wormhole2 and put Wormhole2.vst in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST. Now you're good to go.
DeleteHmmmm..... I get to Quick test in Juce plug in host: "then scan your plug ins as shown on the left" - I don't know if someones update the software but there isn't a scan function nor even an available plug in list to check for an options box.
ReplyDeleteIn Options you should click first on "Edit the list of available plug-ins..."
ReplyDeleteThanx for this great tip, but somehow Plugwire doesn't seem tot connect to the Audioport Plug-in in Logic... First, Audioport Plug-in connects to instead of, after changing back to 'Open recent files' is greyed out in Plugwire, saying 'Please connect to a remote host' (I'm assuming that means audioportAU?)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanx, Gr.Dries
Unfortunately, I can't help you with Logic. Can you try with another DAW?
DeleteI got exactly the same problem with Logic Express 8 on Lion (10.7.5). Testing with JUCE Plugin Host worked great, but when I insert the AudioPort plug-in in a channel in Logic, the pre-defined IP address is always Even if I enter manually, it's impossible to establish a connection to the AudioPort Host application. Logic seems to block the local network connection somehow.
DeleteIn Ableton Live 8 i was able to connect the AudioPort plug-in with the host but i couldn't get Wormhole2 to work, as both the VST and AU version of the plug-in always cause Live to freeze completely.
So this is the first confirmation of functionality with Lion.
DeleteWith some problems, the biggest one, it doesn't work with Logic but I need more confirmations. If it really doesn't work or you actually need to set Logic up differently with it.
The second problem, Wormhole doesn't work with Live 8 on Lion but I need more confirmations on this too. At least you can use the instruments part.
Unless it's already saved like that in some project as with the quick test, you have to enter manually over de default
Okay, I wasn't sure about being the default setting. It was just confusing me a little bit...
DeleteI did some further testing today and with Ardour and Reaper everything seems to work quite stable on Lion! I still couldn't get it to work in Logic but I came up with a workaround: I set up a filter graph in JUCE which consists of an instance of the AudioPort plug-in which picks up the audio stream from the host in plugwire and an instance of Wormhole2 which sends this stream back to Logic. This isn't really an elegant solution as it requires two more instances of Wormhole2 for every channel you want to process, but at least it works for the moment... ;)
Thanks for feedback! I'm confident there must be an easier way with Logic, for it to work as it's supposed to work, maybe some more experienced Logic users will figure it out. Cheers!
DeleteThis is quite complicated. Since it's such an important topic, you should consider making a video walkthrough. I am stuck at the part where it says "File/Open plugwire.filtergraph provided in, double-click on AUAudioFilePlayer module, load some audio file, check Loop, Click the Play button and leave that window open."
ReplyDeletejust confused
Where are you stuck more exactly? I'll be happy to post a video made by users.
DeleteSo I may be stuck at the same point...File/Open in Plugwire I'm assuming...except that File/Open is grayed out and reads 'Please Connect to a remote host"...everything was going so well...
DeleteHope you can help at this point...
fyi, I think this is fantastic and I am very excited to get it working!
No, File/Open in Juce Plug-in Host. Cheers!
DeleteHi, I am following your steps to the T.. but now when I open the energyXT in AudioPort Host, it opens a blank xt window, unlike the one in your photo with the 01+02 mixers. So I am not getting any audio :(
ReplyDeleteThe weird thing is it worked the first time it opened and looked just like yours.. I could even play the piano sample.. PLEASE HELP!!
Delete the plugwire folder and start over. Make sure this time you never click Save in AudioPort Host. Please read the "Important limitations" section more carefully
DeleteIs there a way to load a simple DDL plugin, I tried droping them into the "Eric Beam" folder, but they wont show up in plugwire
ReplyDeleteWhich plugins?
DeleteSorry, a dll plugin like "retro delay" for example, thanks!
DeleteIf it's "retro delay" from e-phonic, I'm just looking at it in plugwire. Just drop the dll file in the VSTplugins folder, other than that I can't help you sorry
DeleteWow, every industry pro I know has seen this, ground breaking stuff
ReplyDeleteHaving a bit of trouble loading my own plugin effects, most are not exe files
I tried deleting the Eric Beam folder inside the plugwire folder, but it is still showing up
is it possible that the vstplugin folder is being read somewhere else on the computer?
If it's deleted it definitely shouldn't show up, I don't really get what you mean.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutly love this, works great. Is there a way to synch to your hosts BPM, or type in the bpm in XT or Audioport?
Thanks. See the important notes section.
DeleteHi There , amazing work! wanted to ask you how you installed EnergyXT and how i could go about reinstalling a legit version of 2.5 so I could save.... thanks in advance:))
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
The license you bought for 2.5 should work for 1.4.1 as well.
DeleteI can confirm Mountain Lion (8.2) MacBook Air mid 2012 compatibility with Live 8.3.4. It gives me 28ms delay compared to dry signal. I have fiddled with the wormhole settings (sync/latency) and once i got it to 14ms, but i could not recreate it reliably. It also sometimes drops connection, also when switching WiFi on/off (if anyone would want to do that while producing :) )
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback! So Wormhole freezes Live 8 on Lion according to Rob but it works with Live 8 on ML, that's odd.
DeleteClicking Disconnect/Connect in the 1+2 AudioPort AU instance before any recording or in case of any other problem is what I strongly recommend. Fiddling with Wormhole's settings won't have any major effect
I finally got running with Logic Express 8 and Live 8 too. Now I can confirm full functionality on Lion as well!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your great work in putting together plugwire. This is by far the most convenient solution for running Win VSTs on Mac I came across! ;)
DeleteHi Rob, Can you explain to us how have you done it to make it work with Logic?
DeleteI'm running Ableton Live 8 and I'm wondering, does this process only work with fx vsts? Because I managed to get Image Line's Harmor synth running. Now I have a few questions:
ReplyDelete1) Does it matter if I do this on an Audio Track or a MIDI Track?
2) On a track in Ableton, I put wormhole au, then audioport au. I opened plugwire, connected audioport au to, went to plugwire to load the file but the 'open' option was greyed out. Help please?
Otherwise this seems to work really well ! thanks bro :)
For instruments only in Live, put the External instrument device on a MIDi track, set its MIDI output to IAC, then load AudioPort next to it and connect it to
Deleteat first, thank you for this description, but it should be more useful this also translate into german language e.g.
ReplyDeletedo you've positive experiences loading and using Pluggo, Mode, Hipno vsti,vst ( by using this tool? (for information: of course at this time I've load the trial_vers of audioport - installed in SL 10.6.8)
thanks and regards
you can try the google translate option at the bottom of this page
DeleteHello,I found out the way to use with Logic,The tip is the Audio track have to put some audio (something or dummy),and just play it,then click the connect,the host will be connected.
ReplyDeleteTHANKS! works great, i was looking for something like this for YEARS!!! Again, thanks a lot!
DeleteThanks to James from Los Angeles for the first donation!
ReplyDeleteFirst 16 stereo channels plugwire has been shipped to Senne from Gent!
ReplyDeleteSo is there anyone who have tired to play win vst instruments in Logic 9 with plugwire?
ReplyDeleteBut it does not work for me. I stuck at connecting to audioport.
It just won't connect..
Are you using Logic by any chance? There's confirmation in previous comments from other Logic users, maybe they could help.
DeleteThis is amazing piece of software engineering and great guide enennu !!!
ReplyDeleteI can confirm:
Running PC VST FX (TAL-Chorus-LX.dll) works on OSX 10.8.5 on Macbook Air (September 2013 - i5@1.3Ghz) in Logic 9.1.8 (32-bit) using Built-in audio output. I was sending Logic ES-E synth into the PC VST FX. Works ! The latency is there but its pretty usable.
Running PC VSTi SYNTH - Shareware G-Storm VSP 330 emulation (VSP-330r2_05.dll) also works but with limitations. Trigering notes from Logic 9.1.8 MIDI track via Apple IAC Bus Driver crashes with PC error dialog box saying "The program audioport_universal_TRIAL.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." So I cant wire any MIDI from Logic into Plugwire using Apple IAC Bus Driver on my setup. However in AudioPort Host Universal (inside i can right-click on energyXT and in MIDI devices i can select directly my hardware midi controllers (NI Maschine MK2 or KORG Microkey) and they trigger VSP-330r2_05.dll inside energyXT just fine - the audio from the PC VST SYNTH is sent to Logic 9.1.8 "listening audio track". So if we can fix the crashing of Apple IAC Bus Driver and audioport_universal_TRIAL.exe when sending notes from Logic it would be 100% success here on OSX 10.8.5, Logic 9.1.8 (32-bit), Macbook Air (September 2013)
Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback, I wish more people would at least do the same if not donating but there you go. Pity about IAC, can't help you with that. Cheers!
DeleteUPDATE to my last post (October 16, 2013 at 7:23 AM): IAC MIDI from Logic 9.1.8 (32-bit - OSX 10.8.5) into PC VST SYNTH still crashes AudioPort Host Universal (inside but the exact same setup WORKS WITH PreSonus Studio 2.5.1 (32-bit - OSX 10.8.5) - sending midi from PreSonus Studio DAW into PC VST SYNTH via IAC with no problems !!! I will certainly DONATE !!! This setup works fine in PreSonus Studio 2.5.1 (32-bit - OSX 10.8.5) including IAC MIDI. I also feel like getting better midi and audio latency with the PC VST SYNTH using PreSonus Studio DAW compared to Logic...
DeleteAgain many thanks for your feedback, I'm glad everything works for you now. Enjoy!
DeleteThanks to Brian for the generous donation!
ReplyDeleteAnd many thanks to Rotislav from Prague for the most generous appreciation!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this article ! I tried this with Reaper 4.55 32 bit on OSX 10.9 and it works perfectly. Tested it with the Cygnus-SF and DSK Ethereal Pads plugins. I had some trouble with the Reaper 64bit version, since it was unable to recognise the Wormhole plugin. I know, for the instrument VSTs I don't need Wormhole, but I wanted to make sure the installation works. I would like to say thanks again with a small donation.
ReplyDeleteThank you for feedback and donation! Plugwire 16 stereo channels version coming your way, enjoy and let me know if you run into any problems!
DeleteGreat work! Quick question - can this work with MIDI plug-ins as well? I have a Win-only arpeggiator from which I would like to receive MIDI from my host. I can send MIDI via IAC bus into EnergyXT, and I see that the last EnergyXT output in the AudioPort Host window is a MIDI output. But can this be connected back out via IAC bus, or does AudioPort work with audio only?
ReplyDeletePity that the MIDI out pin is unusable as far as I can see.
DeleteThanks again for publishing your findings.I will donate asap. For logic users on mac.I have got as far as getting audio port connected using a logic audio channel.To activate the connection you will need to physically drag any audio file you have in to the channel and then hit play on your logic transport bar.Then click connect on audio port while logic is playing and it will connect.If you dont put audio in the logic audio channel audioport wont work. I still don't know how to get logic to talk to audio port for the midi.Audio is fine,but i suspect logic is grabbing all the midi ports for the usb m-audio keyboard. So some how I would need to get logic to send midi to audio port and xt plugins via iac midi. Apart from that all works fine on ableton 9 on mac osx leopard. Just need to figure out how midi up logic to talk to audioport.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for the video, enjoy!
ReplyDeleteanother plugwire pro sent to Ricard from Valencia!
ReplyDeleteHi, got the "38.1 specific bundle" from KVR and dropped its contents to the VSTplugins folder, it loads the GUI and can change skins etc. Other than that I can't help you sorry. Again, please don't expect me to test every plugin out there, thanks
ReplyDeleteThe dropbox links aren't working anymore. I would love to give this a try. Would it be possible to upload the files again? Cheers from Finland
Really didn't have the time and drive to properly look after this stuff anymore, meanwhile some individuals had the audacity to use this ideea for fame and profit on a warez site without landing any credits. Hopefully I'll try to sort any issues out over the next couple of weeks/months
DeleteWould really appreciate you taking the time to possibly reupload this stuff. There are tons of us that more than appreciate the work you've done and would love to play around with these plugins you put so much effort in to.
DeleteI'm not entirely sure about the "appreciation" part in your message but we can put it to the test. There's a donation button, anyone who donates will instantly get the basic/pro version based on the amount. If people are really interested I'll amend the tutorial with a new AU host and new links to plugwire basic, updated with a 3rd party wineskin engine that should suit everyone
DeleteHi there, are you looking to load 64bit windows plugins in plugwire? Unless the developer is offering 64bit only versions of the plugins you're after, I really don't see the point and yes it would be a hassle although it might be doable. If you're actually after 64bit audioport and wormhole plugins I can't recommend 32 Lives enough
ReplyDeleteI'm very short on cash at the moment. This is the first month I've had any income in 8 years of battling spinal tumors. I could donate a couple of dollars now, and more next month if it would get this to actually work. When I launch plugwire, all I get is the Wineskin window, and if I try to install AudioPort, I get the "no executable" error, even though I have disabled the firewall completely. I'm hesitant to donate for something that seems to be dead out of the gate, but I would be happy to donate for something that actually works. It would be a great help for the 501c3 that will be funded by our voice over studio that is in the construction planning stage. I'm working with a local shelter to help the homeless help the homeless, and the only type of fundraising I can do is voice over and audio work lying down. This would be hugely helpful, as some of the plugins I need are only available on Windows, and Windows is simply not up to any kind of professional workflow.
ReplyDeleteHi, if I could contact you maybe I can help
DeleteHi, do you still provide plugwire pro to donators?
DeleteWill this work on Mojave?
ReplyDeleteThe macos Wormhole and Audioport plugins are 32 bit and Sound Radix doesn't help therefore since Catalina no I don't think so unfortunately
DeleteCan you maybe fix the download links so I can at least give it a try?
DeleteNo worries, leave another reply with your email, I won’t publish it and I’ll send you the link I had set up for donations. I won’t update this blog anymore it’s obsolete